Sunday, September 22, 2013

As the aging population increases, there is a growing need for seniors to make decisions about selling their current home and moving to a smaller, safer environment.  For some that would be a smaller home or apartment, but for others that would be assisted living or a nursing home.  Either way, downsizing is a monumental task.  The burden so overwhelming that it paralyzes most people.

There are some key ideas that the family needs to keep in mind when trying to downsize a senior.  First and foremost is that it takes time.  It didn't take a few days to collect all of their worldly possessions.  It will take time …and maybe lots of it to minimize the collections down to an amount that will fit into a smaller living area. Please be patient and allow plenty of time to make this happen is crucial to the well being of the senior. 

Downsizing is emotional.  There is no doubt about it.  It takes an emotional toll on anyone that tries to help with this task. It is important to allow significant time to get the task completed.  It is recommended that the sorting process for seniors occurs for roughly 2 hours a day.  This is usually about the maximum amount of time that they can offer and still be efficient.  It is hard not to get frustrated when there is so much to accomplish and only have a work day that lasts for a couple of hours.  Pushing a senior beyond their limits is counterproductive and creates arguments.  Or, even have the senior throwing their hands up, wanting to give the downsizing idea up.

If you are assisting a senior in downsizing their belongings, it is a great idea to find similar collections that can be narrowed down without the senior's help.  So if a box of old schoolwork for grown children is opened up and the decision is made to scan them onto the computer for posterity, then anytime there is another box like that, the course of action is already understood. This eliminates hours of sitting and sorting.   This is a wonderful time saver for the senior and their helpers.

It is very important to have a plan when attempting to downsize.  Random sorting rarely produces the results that are desired, and causes more problems than satisfactory results.  Going from room to room is a good idea that way the whole house is not torn up at once. Let’s face it most seniors do not like disruptions in their daily routines. So set small, achievable goals for each day.  The success of achievement is great and may spur more activity, but most days it will be just enough.  

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