Thursday, September 26, 2013

Macomb County Michigan Seniors: Should you downsize to a smaller home?

Is it time to start thinking about downsizing to housing that may fit your needs better?
Downsizing to a smaller home may be an event that some look forward too, while others dread! Most of us know that downsizing will be in the cards eventually as we age. This can seem like a daunting task to undertake, but with careful planning, moving to a new (and smaller) home can be simple.
Some reasons to downsize to a smaller home are,
·         Having and empty nest- no need for all the extra room
·         The big house is hard to clean and get around
·         The expenses of upkeep are just too much
The first thing you want to do (even if you do not plan on moving for another year) is Rick Giese (SRES) your local senior real estate professional. He can meet with you to discuss your options and help you decide what type of move may be best for you. If you are still active, but want to plan for your later years, you may want to look into a continuing care retirement community. There are many options available in the Macomb County area, or maybe even close to where you living now?  So that you can continue shopping at the same stores, church, doctors. Rick can help you weigh your wants and your needs and provide you with the information needed to make an informed decision.
Next Rick can help you prepare your current home for the market. Planning ahead will decrease future stress! Rick Giese with his 27 years of experience can tell you what needs to be done to your current home in order to get the best price, in the shortest amount of time. Rick can also give you tips for getting rid of clutter, or phone numbers of companies that can help. Not only will your home show better, but you will have a head start on packing your belongings!
Now that you have a plan for preparing your home for the market …started scaling back on some of your unwanted or needed belongings ….and have decided on the type of housing that best fits your needs, you are well on your way to planning for a successful downsizing experience.
With less space to maintain, there is more time for fun activities. No matter what type of housing you choose, you will find that less really can be more, and that downsizing can be something to look forward to!

Call Rick Giese today at 586-242-3100 to set a convenient time to meet with you or you and your family for a FREE, No Obligation planning meeting.

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